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Join us as we explore God's ancient wisdom and apply it to our modern lives. His word is as current and relevant today as it was when he inspired its authors more than two and a half millennia ago. The websites where you can reach us are,, or

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Jan 24, 2017

A daily devotional through the recorded words Jesus spoke while He walked alongside us. Our website

  1. Thanks for joining me today for "A Little Walk with God." I'm your host Richard Agee.
  2. Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach him to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. I’m sure you’ve heard that saying many times. That old piece of wisdom popped into my head as I read Jesus’ words today. Let me tell you why.
  3. Scripture
    1. John 4:8-18
    2. Jesus: Would you draw water, and give Me a drink?

Woman: I cannot believe that You, a Jew, would associate with me, a Samaritan woman; much less ask me to give You a drink.

Jews, you see, have no dealings with Samaritans.

Jesus: You don’t know the gift of God or who is asking you for a drink of this water from Jacob’s well. Because if you did, you would have asked Him for something greater; and He would have given you the living water.

Woman: Sir, You sit by this deep well a thirsty man without a bucket in sight. Where does this living water come from? Are You claiming superiority to our father Jacob who labored long and hard to dig and maintain this well so that he could share clean water with his sons, grandchildren, and cattle?

Jesus: Drink this water, and your thirst is quenched only for a moment. You must return to this well again and again. I offer water that will become a wellspring within you that gives life throughout eternity. You will never be thirsty again.

Woman: Please, Sir, give me some of this water, so I’ll never be thirsty and never again have to make the trip to this well.

Jesus: Then bring your husband to Me.

Woman: I do not have a husband.

Jesus: Technically you are telling the truth. But you have had five husbands and are currently living with a man you are not married to.

  1. Devotional
    1. So, you’ve heard the old sage’s wisdom many times in your lifetime, I’m sure. “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”
      1. Simple logic when you think about it
      2. Fill his belly once yourself or teach him to fill it every day on his own
      3. Too many times we are satisfied with giving someone a fish instead of teaching him to fish
    2. Why is it so easy to feed instead of teach?
      1. Takes much more time
      2. Must invest yourself in the person’s life
      3. Must understand their strengths and limitations
      4. You must know how to do it in the first place
    3. Why would Jesus’ words bring me to these thoughts today?
      1. God-sized hole in each of us
      2. Easy to try to fill it with worldly pleasure; like giving a person a fish, it doesn’t last
      3. Jesus wants us to dig deep into His word
      4. Study what He tells us
      5. Put it into practice
      6. Learning from God how to fill that God-sized hole His way satisfies for eternity
  2. If you want to learn more about my church, you can find us at If you like the devotional, share it with someone. If you don't, tell me. I hope you’ll join me again tomorrow for "A Little Walk with God."