Dec 28, 2016
A daily devotional through the recorded words Jesus spoke while He walked alongside us. Our website
Luke 20:34-38
Is God dead? No. He is very much alive and taking care of things every day. I expect those around Jesus were wondering the same thing in their day as the Romans invaded their land and took anything they wanted from them. I expect as they saw the crucifixions dotting the countryside and cruelty of their oppressors they sometimes wondered if God died somewhere along the way. He certainly wasn’t doing much to free them from the tyrannical leaders that held rule over them since the exile, it seemed.
Jesus saw, as He walked with us that many around Him said the words they believed in God, but acted as if He didn’t exist. Today we do the same. We ignore Him when He calls. We ignore His word. We fail to worship Him. We go about our business assuming we don’t need Him anymore. Satan has convinced us we can do everything ourselves and don’t need to depend on the creator for anything. But we are wrong.
Imagine a world without God. A world without His moral guidance. A world without His laws of physics and gravity and science. A world without love. A world without hope. That’s what we would face if God did not exist. We cannot manufacture those things. Those come from God and if He is dead, so are those. Yet they still exist, which means He does too. We can’t create a blade of grass, or a calf, or a fish. We can’t create a bird from an egg or make water spring from the earth to make creeks and rivers and lakes and oceans.
We think we can do lots of things, and think we are really important. We act like we are the most important thing in the world, but we’re only a distant second. God is still alive and well. He demonstrates His presence daily if we will just look around and see His handiwork. Is God dead? Absolutely not. Take some time to prove it for yourself. It’s not hard to figure it out.
Read it in a year - Esther 1-5
see the whole year's plan here